We offer a variety of programs that strive to build the confidence of Autistic individuals.

Online Learning Programs - Autism Friendly Business Certification


Our students who participate in our pre-teaching/front-loading programs enter their classroom setting, and the learning activity on a level playing field with their peers.

What is pre/teaching or front-loading?

Most people learn better with some background.

Pre-teaching introduces concepts or skills before a lesson.

For instance: teaching geography-related vocabulary and explaining maths concepts before class.

The goal is to give students a "preview" of the lesson so they can apply their knowledge.

Pre-teaching can help students feel more prepared for new topics.

This increases engagement and decreases frustration.

Steps in pre-teaching include:

  1. Communicate with our student's school teachers to identify the work that they will be introduced to within the coming week.
  2. Identify skills that the student may be missing. These could include skills that they haven’t yet learnt or skills that need more practice before the lesson
  3. We work with the student to teach the content or skills before their introduction during the following week.
  4. We use 'best practice' strategies to explicitly help the student to understand the knowledge, and skills.

Educational Assessment - Literacy/Numeracy

Our Educational Assessments (literacy and numeracy) are designed to identify where in their Zone of Proximal Development the child is. Our assessment tasks rooted in the areas of literacy and numeracy are designed to provide a clear picture of where the student is at. This allows learning tasks to be designed at their point of need.

The zone of proximal development (ZPD), refers to the range of abilities an individual can perform with the guidance of an educational professional, but cannot yet perform on their own. If students are given tasks way below their zone of proximal development, they can not move to their next step of genuine learning progress. Adversely, if the task they are assigned is way above their zone of proximal development, they cannot access the scaffolding of prior learning to assist them in learning the new skill or knowledge.


Our Mentor Program offers services for students in Prep through to Year 12, and beyond! We strive to match our students with mentors best suited to support their needs.

We offer through face-to-face outreach sessions or online via video conferencing software like Zoom or Webex.


Our Friendship Program covers topics such as: What is friendship? What is bullying? How can I be a good friend? This offers young people the opportunity to explore their own experiences and develop skills to foster meaningful friendships.

School Readiness

Autistic children struggle in social situations, so this area deserves special attention.

These children can have trouble making friends because they don't understand the social rules of the classroom and the playground. These social skills need to be taught explicitly and in various contexts.

If school and social settings aren't designed to teach social skills, children with autism won't be introduced to them or allowed to practice them in a safe environment. When children are placed in a new, unfamiliar setting, where they don't understand the social cues, they experience highly elevated stress levels.

To navigate the social world, children need to start learning in a safe, conducive environment with meaningful teaching.

Our School Readiness program allows children to develop social awareness, such as understanding their own and others' perspectives, emotions, and social norms.

Children who participate in School Readiness Program are equipped with the knowledge and skills to traverse their new classroom and learning setting. Children need to start learning in a safe, conducive environment with meaningful teaching to navigate the social world specifically of the school setting, and thus are set up for success.

Emotional Regulation

We equip young people with the strategies to identify their emotions, and the tools to manage and adjust these if needed.

Healthy Relationships Learning Program

Like all teenagers, autistic teenagers need to learn about respectful relationships.

These relationships are essential to healthy sexual and emotional development.

These positive relationships help young people feel valued and accepted. A negative relationship leads to detrimental and harmful effects.

By pointing out relationship red flags, in a safe and critical way, we support young people to navigate successfully healthy relationships.

Transition Support

Transitional times are both exciting and challenging, and involves adjusting to new roles, expectations, practices and relationships. It is a time of heightened anxiety, uncertainty and confusion. Our Transition Programs seek to de-escalate these levels of anxiety by making the unfamiliar, familiar.


Our Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics program is aimed at students from We have a variety of projects to suit your child's interests by engaging with hand-on and enquiry-based experiential learning.

Shared Reading

This program aims to improve decoding, comprehension, fluency and writing skills. These skills are developed through in depth analytical reading with your student.

Intensive Mathematics

Mathematics develops the power of reasoning, creativity, problem solving, and abstract and critical thinking skills. Many children have negative experiences while in the mathematics classroom and this programs strives to combat this by building students self-belief.

The Art of Conversation

This program aims to develop young people's communication skills focussing on areas such as: listening, negotiating, compromising, initiating and concluding conversations. The program places young people in a group setting to practice these skills.

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